I'm trying to catch up on some blog posts here but sometimes life just gets crazy! So, I wanted to share some cool photos that I took in Chicago a month or so ago and tell a (what is now a funny story). One of the things I enjoy most is walking around a city and just exploring to see what I can find. Often, taking a taxi to wherever I'm trying to get to is much easier, but I've never been disappointed when I decide to grab the camera and walk a few miles.
Rebecca and I were in town during one of the rainiest weekends I can remember. We were going to go see B.B. King as apart of our anniversary and I ordered the tickets online way in advance. I figured, we're both blues fans, and B.B. King is a legend, how many chances are we going to have left to see him? We had been walking around Chicago all afternoon shooting pictures, window shopping, etc... We were out the previous night during a rainstorm shooting pictures... It was going to be nice to stay inside and enjoy a concert.
We're getting ready in the hotel room and I grab the tickets from my bag and as I'm double checking the time for the concert I noticed the date. It said "Concert Sunday, Doors open at 7PM". I thought I had bought Saturday night tickets. Of course, we couldn't stay in Chicago an extra night because we had to get back, and we called the venue to see if there was anything we could do, and low and behold...nothing. Sorry. I was bummed beyond belief. Here I am, trying to be Mr. Details-Smooth-Guy and I completely botched it. I was sulking, and annoyed at myself for letting this happen. Rebecca stepped in and said, don't worry about it, we're in Chicago, we can't change things, so why be upset? Let's go have fun!
It turns out, we had an incredible evening together. We found a fantastic jazz club called Andy's Jazz and had got a chance to see some local musicians blow us away. We never would have found it had we not missed out on the concert. It was very cool. A lesson learned.
I mention this to all of you because I see people planning the most important day of their lives, and there's so much detail and precision riding on that day that the stress just piles up. I'm here to tell you, roll with the punches and let things ride... It doesn't always go according to plan, but sometimes, those little bumps you encounter make some of the best stories. Make the best of it, and have fun!
In the end, my solace was I got a chance to create some cool photos and spend an amazing weekend with someone I love very much. Enjoy the pics!