Photoshop World 2009: Day 1 (Part 1)

Ah...Tuesday. The First Day of the Conference. Also known as the mad dash at the registration desk. The trick to registration day is to get there early, grab you're stuff and go. The NAPP members will really like the package that they'll receive this year. As a Pro Pass attendee, you'll receive a cool NAPP backpack, which is really nice! PSW hat, t-shirt, promotional materials, a ticket for the PSW Party, a ticket for an extra conference book, and of course the actual conference book itself. The book alone is well worth the cost of the conference. The amount of material that these instructors cover is so indepth and so quick paced, that if you tilt your head to one side, you just might have it leak out of your ears. The conference book provides you with very detailed notes about virtually everything that is discussed. In actuality, I like to leave the book in my hotel room, (it is VERY heavy) and just bring a small notebook to write in. I find that I tend to remember things better when I write them down. If you do decide to leave the book behind, remember to rip the conference evaulation forms out of the back and bring them with you. Your instructors always welome feedback. I like to travel around the conference as light as possible. I don't typically bring a laptop, since you never know if you'll have power or internet. However, there's free wireless in the conference center, or so I hear, so that will help me stay on top of emails in between sessions. Biggest piece of advice when attending classes: If at all possible, get to your next class as early as possible, and stake out a good seat near a projector. I see so many people in the back of session struggling to see the screen, and I'm no exception, I'm usually as close as I can get with my glasses and jotting down notes. Check out our vid if you get a chance. Chris and I go over the conference materials as well as some shooting around Boston.
