At the closing of Photoshop World 2009, attendees are encouraged to fill out a conference evaluation to help NAPP figure out how to make the Photoshop World Experience even better. This last video from Boston is our review of the conference, and some things that we thought could help make next year's conference even more spectacular. We had a great time in Boston, and I think I speak for both Chris and I when I say that we are always grateful for the opportunity to spend time and rub shoulders with the people in industry that we admire. Continued education is one of the most critical aspects of a growing business. Bringing in new ideas, techniques, and best practices is paramount to developing a company's identity as well as its specialty. Photoshop World is well worth the money for anyone wishing to learn from the those who do it best. NAPP is a creative home for Photographers, Graphic Designers, Professional Retouchers, Digital Artists, Print and Prepress Professionals, and of course, Creative Educators.
Our best advice for anyone looking to strike out on their own in some sort of creative endeavor is to find a conference or organization that will allow you to network and learn new insights in your field.
Check out the National Association of Photoshop Professional's website for more information on Photoshop World, or to become a member. We promise, it's worth it!
Thanks to everyone who checked the blog this past week, and we look forward to showing you lots of great images from Kaufman Kramer's upcoming photography season!
-Steve K.